Senin, 27 Maret 2017

Positive and Negative Impact of Online Store


           Business online shopping or online store is booming recently. Various stories and testimonials of online store have been encountered by us. In this modernization era, it doesn’t need to be difficult to go to the store or mall to buy things that we need, because nowdays a lot of selling goods that we need can easily be gotten via online.

On the other hand, every technological development can give positive and negative impact depending on how we are addressing it. There are the following positive and negative impact of online shopping.

The positive impact of online store :

          1.       Shopping is more practical.

With online store, we can compare the prices among the online shops in the internet. And also we don’t have to walk into one store to another store when we look for the  things. So that we can get the cheapest prices after comparing one online shop with another online shop.

           2.       Shopping scope is wider.

We can buy goods from everywhere. Even, we can buy goods that we want from out of town or overseas.

           3.       The prices are usually cheaper.

The prices of goods or stuffs which are sold in the online shop, are usually cheaper than the goods which are sold in store. It happens because the online shop usually don’t require the cost of rental shops.

They are three major positive impact of online shopping. Futhermore, there are also some negative impact on online shopping that we can find, such as:

           1.       It can easily happen fault.

Usually the fault are caused by missperception between the costomers and the sellers. There are many cases taht the quality of our desired items are sometimes different with the quality to the ones which listed on the website. It can prolong the delivery because the store will perform retransmission for the mistaken product that have been delivered before.

           2.       Vulnerable acts of fraud.

There are a lot of cases when the buyer has sent or transferred a sum of money for the goods, but the purchased goods are not delivered. Usually the perpetrators use the fake online store or fake website to trick their customers.

           3.      Vulnerable damaged or broken.

It can happen because some of post office workers don’t care about the goods which are delivered, they only perform their basic job to send the goods to the destination. It usually happens in the glassware delivery.

           4.       Vulnerable acts of account piercing.

It happens  because the payment on the online shop is usually done  via Internet. And nowdays, there are many bad hackers who can easily break our saving account. So we must be carefull with our own bank account number while we perform transaction via internet.

           5.       The danger of consumerism habit.

It happens because on the online shop we not only see the goods that we want to buy , but also we can see another goods from the online shop display. Because of that, it can provoke the customers to b uy more and it can make a bad habit for them, especially for the consumerism habit.


Positive :     1. We can directly choose the goods that we want.
                          - can try it before buying it รจ know they are suitable for us or not.

                     2. We can to bargain the price directly with the seller.
                          - can negotiate directly based on the real goods that have been choosen.

Negative :    1. Wasting time.
  -    We have to come directly to the store

         2. The prices are maybe more expensive in the first offering.
                - we must to bargain with the seller.  

        3 . We can usually get confused because there are many models of goods which are offered to us.  

                      I think thats all about the positive and negative impact of online shopping that I can share to you. I hope it can be helpful for you. Futhermore, it back again to your own selves whether want to choose it or not.